The Pattern of the Exam

  •  There will be a single common exam for GDS to MTS/Postman and MTS to Postman.
  •  The Exam comprises Four papers – Paper I, Paper II, Paper III, and Paper IV.
  •  Paper
    I, Paper II, and Paper III will be held in one sitting of 2 and 1/2
    hours. Paper IV  [Data Entry Skill Test (DEST)]  will be held separately
Papers    Subject/Topic   Applicable for   Total Marks Duration


Basic Postal Knowledge, GK, Math

Both MTS & Postman

100 in 2 Parts

60 minutes


Knowledge of Postal Operation 

Postman Only


30 minutes


Knowledge of the Local Language 

Both MTS & Postman


60 minutes


Data Entry Skill Test  Postman Only 25 15 minutes



Syllabus of GDS to MTS/Postman Exam :

As per the official notification, the MTS/Postman LDC Exam consists of four Papers. We have provided the Syllabus Paper wise.

Paper I Syllabus

(for both MTS and Postman)


Part – A 

Maximum Mark = 60
[30 Questions of 2 marks each]

Post Office Guide Part 1 
  ( 23 Questions )
  • Organization of Department
  • Type of Post Offices
  • Business Hours
  • Payment of postage, stamps, and stationery
  •  General rules as to packing, sealing, and posting, manner of affixing postage stamps
  • Methods of address
  • Post boxes and Post bags
  • Duties of Letter Box peon
  • Official postal articles
  • Prohibited postal articles
  •  Products and Services: Mail, Banking & Remittances, Insurance, Stamps, and Business
  • (Reference: India Post website)
Postal Manual Volume V
  ( 7 Questions )
  •  All Definitions


Part – B

Maximum Mark = 40
[20 Questions of 2 marks each]

 Awareness / Knowledge
  (10 Questions)

  • Indian Geography
  • Civics
  • General Knowledge
  • Indian culture & freedom struggle
  • Ethics and moral study
Basic Arithmetic 
  (10 Questions)
  • Percentage
  • Profit & Loss
  • Simple Interest
  • Average
  • Time and Work
  • Time and Distance
  • Unitary methods

Postman Only

Paper II Syllabus
(for Postman Only)

Maximum Mark = 50
[25 Questions of 2 marks each]

Post Office Guide Part 1 
  ( 5 Questions )
  • Delivery of mails
  • Refusal of article
  • Payment of eMoney Order
  • Redirection
  • Instruction regarding address change
  • Articles addressed to deceased person
  • Liability to detention to certain mails
  • Facilities provided by Postmen in rural areas
Postal Manual Volume VI – Part III
  ( 10 Questions )
    • Head Postman
    • Knowledge of Postal Business
    • Supply of forms to be carried out
    • Sale of stamps
    •  Postman’s Book Address to be noted on Postal Articles
    • Damaged articles to be noticed
    • Receipts for articles issued for delivery
    • Book of receipts for intimations and notices
    • delivery
    • Instruction for delivery
    • Realization of postage before delivery
    • Receipts of addresses for registered
    •  Delivery to illiterate addressees, Pardanashin women
    • Delivery of insured articles addressed to minors
    • Payment of e-Money Orders
    • e-Money Orders addressed to minors
    •  Payment of e-MO and delivery of registered letters to lunatics
    • Duties of Village Postman


Postal Manual Volume VII 
  ( 10 Questions )
  •  Stamps and Seals Portfolio and its contents
  • Stationery
  • Preparation of daily report
  • Mail Abstract
  • Exchange of Mails
  • Cage TB
  •  Disposal of Mails addressed to a section or a mail office
  • Closing of transit bags
  •  Duties and responsibilities of Mail Guard/Agent
  •  Final duties before quitting Van or office
  • ‘A’ order and ‘B’ order


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